
Aug 1, 2024 We propose the ADBM model, which can significantly improves the robustness of visual models on OOD examples. We show theoretically and empirically that ADBM outperforms the original DDPM. This work is now available on arXiv. Read more
Jul 7, 2024 We released the PartImageNet++ dataset and further improved the part-based recogntion models. The paper has been accepted by ECCV 2024. Read more
Mar 18, 2024 One paper on the relation between adversarial robustness and privacy is accepted by IEEE TIFS 2024. Read more
Feb 26, 2024 One paper on achiving zero-shot adversarial robustness with multimodal CLIP models is accepted by CVPR 2024. The proposed LAAT method uses language-driven anchors to guide adversarial training of vision models. Read more
May 27, 2023 One paper on how to improving robustness of object detectors with upstream adversarial pre-training is available on arXiv. Read more
Jan 18, 2023 One paper inspired by cognitive psychology theory is accepted by IEEE TPAMI 2023. The proposed ROCK method can significantly improve both adversarial robusntess and generalization on out-of-distribution examples. Read more
Jul 14, 2022 One paper is accepted by IJCV 2022, which is an extended version of the BPR paper. Read more
Mar 1, 2021 One paper on instance segmentatiion is accepted to CVPR 2021. The proposed BPR method reached 1st place on the Cityscapes leaderboard (instance segmentation track). Read more